
signage-C 這是一篇隱藏文章。

2012/09/06 12:10

Automatic Caution Door自動開關門
Caution小心 -Passengers only只准旅客
              Hold handrail握住扶手
              Attend children看好小孩
              Avoid sides避開邊緣
Danger:High Voltage危險:高壓電
Do not lean against Door別緊靠門
Drive safely小心駕駛/用心開車
In case of Fire Elevators are out of Service Use  Exit如火警電梯失靈請用出口
Medical Gas shut off valves close only in emergency醫療用停閉閥只在緊急時關
Please  be sure  you have all of your  belongings  before  exiting  your train. Thank you請把握住在您下車前帶了所有您的東西
All patients所有病人 -please check in at the Front Desk,if no one is available please be seated.We will be with you momentarily.請到前台付款,如沒人可受理請找位子坐我們會很快的理您
Attention Patients病人們請注意-You must check in at the Front Desk before services can be rendered給予The receptionist will return shortly if unavailable. Please be seated . Thank you.您必須在得看病前到前台,接待員若不在會很快回來,請坐等。謝謝!
Building Hours診所時間
Coutesy Phone免費恩惠電話-to get outside line dia接外線請撥l:
To reach registration dial通報到注冊請打:
For accurate  record keeping and billing  please alert us  of any changes to your address or insurance information為了正確記錄保持請提醒我們變更住址或保險資料時
Hours of Operation看診時間
If you arrive early, please  take a seat behind you. 如您早到請坐下等
Notice to our patients告示予諸病人-Effective Jan. 1, 2008 The XXX required 48 hours of appointment & procedure cancellation. A $25 fee will be imposed for no show  and those cancelling within 48 hours.Thank you 2008 年1月1日起,若取消預約必須於48小時前通知本診,所否則會課以$25。謝謝
Patient entrance病人進入口
Please  check in for your appointment in( module 1A)請在(     )報到
Please notify receptionist 接待員of any change in address,phone number or insurance coverage請告訴接待員若住址電話號或保險範圍變更時
This is  a requirement  of your managed care insurance,if we do not receive your co-pay at this visit,then will be an additional charge 負擔 of $12  to cover the cost of  creating and sending an invoice發票 to you.這乃貴保險公司要求,如我們沒在這次看診收到您本身該付的錢時,會加收$12用來付開寄發票之支出。
To our managed care patients- If you  do not have a referral for your visit today  we may  need to reschedule your appointment. Thank you諸位病患:若您沒有今天看診的轉診單時,您可能要改約。
Your co-payment(is due  at the time of your visit)(must be paid at this visit)您本身該付的錢,在這次求診時必須付清。Thank you
*vocabulary 語彙-advisory/consulative committee顧問/咨詢委員會,assembly大會/議會/會議/集會,at-home party家庭宴會,banquet酒會/宴,birthday party生日祝會,board of directors董事會,box supper/charity party慈善餐會,budget committee預算委員會,buffet dinner自助餐,buffet party立食宴會,christmas/xmas party聖誕慶會,cocktail party雞尾酒會,commemorative party紀念會,committee/commission委員會,committee of experts專家委員會,congress代表大會/國會,convention會議/集會/黨提名大會,dance party/ball/fandango舞會,dinner party晚餐會,drafting committee起草委員會,excutive board/council執行委員會,executive session秘密會議,fancy ball化妝舞會,fancy fair義賣場,farewell party惜別會,final sitting/closing ceremony閉幕會,fishing party釣魚會,formal sitting隆重開會,fund raising party募款餐會,garden party遊園會,general bureau/committee/officers總務委員會,general meeting/assembly會員大會,governing body主管團體,luncheon party午餐會,new year's banquet/ party賀年會,opening ceremony/ sitting開幕會,pajama party睡衣派對,party睌會/社交宴會,plenary meeting全會,reading party讀書會,round table圓桌會,seat/headquaters席位/總部,secretariat秘書處,seminar講習/研討/(學習)討論 會,session會期,sitting/meeting/session開會,sketching party觀劇會,standing body常設機構,study group學習討論會,subcommittee小組/附屬委員會,symposium座談/研討/討論會,tea party茶會,wedding dinner/a wedding reception結婚宴會,welcome party/meeting歡迎會,working party工作小組,year-end dinner party忘年(餐)會,
to sit a meeting/to meet a meeting/to hold a meeting/to open a meeting 召開會議
Your patience is appreciated  during  construction on this Escalator.Please use the nearby stairs, Escalator or Elevator.在建這自動梯期間感激您的容忍,請用附近階梯、自動梯或電梯。

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