My family lived in Monga (艋舺), not Dua-diu-dianh (大稻埕). 
When I was a little boy my father used to take me to 郭小兒科 to see a famous Taipei’s pediatrician郭火炎.   Dr. 郭would give me subcut injection for a common cold.  Every once in a while, Dad would also took me to see an internist Dr. 江景勤.  He would look at my anemic conjunctiva and gave me a deep IM shot of a “liver extract” at the buttock.  It was extremely painful.  Both doctors’ offices were in 大稻埕.  After 1945 and until now, that famous street has been called 迪化街.   I also remembered, right next to Dr. 江’s office there was a theatre called 永樂戲院 (previously called 永樂座).  My dad would take me there to see Peking opera (Taiwanese called it “正音”) where 顧正秋, 張正芬, 胡少安were the famous singers.  I used to enjoy them a lot each time I watched the opera. 
I heard about those Taiwanese quasi-politicians like 許丙, 辜顯榮 from my dad.  They were businessmen from大稻埕, became very rich by dealing with Japanese as well as Chinese authorities.  They visited 永樂座regularly to see Peking opera.  Prior to 1945, I heard there was a poor geisha girl from 艋舺龍山區who performed at 永樂座.  Her name was罔市, (apparently the parents did not expect her to survive beyond childhood but they took a chance to raise her anyway).  Surprisingly she later became a famous藝妲 and married to a 大漢奸whose name was 謝介石.  This man joined 鄭孝胥 et al. to become Manchukuo’s high officials.  All those guys were very much scholastic in Chinese literatures.  As a matter of fact, their Chinese calligraphy were considered to be superb. 
I know nothing about 王香嬋 but believe her to be the one who gave all her savings to support her husband 謝.  They were married (second time for her, and one of 王香嬋’s 婢女  also became 謝’s concubine, whose surname was 洪.)  He had three wives at least. Correct me if I am wrong.  I am sure you can tell me more accurately whenever you learned from other sources.  Btw, I did enjoy watching the videos you emailed me.  It depicts the sad history of Taiwanese who went to Manchuria before 1949.  For whatever reason they might have, it reminds me of my third older brother Dr. 江顯揚.  He left for Tien-jin, China, from Taiwan via Japan in the year 1949.  Instead of a Japanese Imperial puppet, he met with a Communist regime.  He suffered a lot worse than those who went to Manchuria.
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 10:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: 黑雪1932��台湾人的中国情. 很感�。
Dear John:
Since your family lived in Da-dao-chen there,have you ever heard about the mistress of former Manchuria Foreign Minister-Ms.Hong?

Franklin Lee
----------Original Message----------

From: Hong-Chien Lin
Date: Feb 14, 2014 11:16:19 AM
Subject: Re: 黑雪1932��台湾人的中国情. 很感�。
To: "" <>

跟你說的是從已逝長輩聽來。她的娘姓應為洪。猜想她可能沒有受過教育。不可能是他妻王香嬋。為其婢女的可能較多。不知有機會查證這事否。1951-1952 一年間我寄居在她的妹妹處(當時看來約六十幾歲)。如果有機會查詢這事,會奉告你。

On Feb 14, 2014, at 12:10 AM, wrote:


On 02/13/14, Hong-Chien Lin<> wrote:


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:52 AM, <> wrote:

FYI and comment!
My feeling-those narrated by the reporters was more true /honest than by the immediate family members,
in addition ,Chiang,Kaisek pardoned those working there as Taiwanese to exempt them from traitors.
Lastly over there,before 1943 relatively quite peaceful in comparison with other part of China- free of air raids from both sides.

Franklin Lee

Feb. 13, 2014


Subject: 黑雪1932――台湾人的中国情. 很感動。




值得一看,1949 之前,在东北的台湾人。 

請看這一套 5 影片


    Taiwa history

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